IT Consulting


Virtualization Helps You Get More Out of Your IT Infrastructure

With Virtualization, your entire IT infrastructure can be hosted off-site.  Use all the IT you want, upgrade at any time, and store everything offsite – without worrying about how much physical or memory space you may have available.  What is Virtualization?  Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version of a device or resource, including storage devices, servers, computer hardware, applications, and operating systems. This is achieved by making a single physical machine act like many systems and it allows users access to desktops, applications and servers in the cloud, drastically reducing the cost of hardware while increasing efficiency.

Is the Cost of Technology Hampering Your Ability To Scale And Grow?

Do you have a legacy system that needs to be replaced?

Are you considering yet another server?

Virtualization Gives You The Power To:

  • Free up business resources and save money – consolidating your servers reduces cooling and energy costs while clearing out valuable office space.
  • Increase efficiency – virtualization lets you optimize workloads and reduce the number of physical servers, this means you spend less time and less money on maintenance tasks.
  • Recover fast in case of a disaster – since your information is now stored virtually, you can quickly and reliably restore your data and applications.
  • Enjoy today’s best technology – easily upgrade, add or take away services at any time without the limitations of your in-house hardware.
  • Get more out of your applications – through fast provisioning & dynamic load-balancing.

Virtualization is a modern approach to technology that empowers you to eliminate the cost, space, and aggravations associated with keeping your business technology in-house, by delivering everything you need over the Internet instead. With Virtualization, instead of buying new equipment, you can take advantage of the underutilized memory and processing power that may be wasted on many of your workstations or servers.  And with today’s distributed workforce, every employee will have access to a virtual workspace that’s set up to meet their exact needs. DI’s virtualization will help you get the most out of your IT infrastructure.

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